วันพุธที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

Doing some shopping and errands for my boss.
Not really fancy, but it was I did today.
Yes, I am P.A. now. So, they are some of many other things that I am supposed to be responsible for, Truth be told, I have never thought that one day I would do this. Not that it is such a bad job, but I have always been in a creative/production field until now.
There is a lot for me to learn.
More than that, there is a lot for me to adjust, especially, when it comes to an attitude, a heart.
Joseph did this before. And, it is very possible that this was the only thing he happened to do throughout his life. We couldn't tell if it was really something that he chose to do from the beginning or if he really loved doing it, but there is one thing we can be sure about, which is he put his heart into it. If he could do it so well by the grace of God. I guess he could be my role model, be someone I could look up and learn from.

วันอังคารที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

Joseph started out living in a house of his family, but he ended up staying in the house of the king.
What a journey he had! Along his journey he assisted people around him for their well-being. That is something I have never fully realized before.
Is that my calling too?
I might have to see that through as I go through my own journey.

Goodbye & Hello

It's already started, yes, my new phase, my new chapter.
Maybe it's time to say goodbye for many things and to say hello to many other things.
It's already started, my new path.
So, let me take my first step.